Get the best out of your team by developing their skills

Staff are the most valuable asset to your business and well trained and highly performing staff will have a direct effect on the business' bottom line. A significant factor in the successful retention of the best people in an organisation is the maintenance of a positive and consistent approach to training and development.

We can work with your business to identify the training needs and, in association with our training partners, we can provide you with tailor made courses to suit your business needs.

We can offer the following courses:

Employment law update
Disciplinary meetings
Grievance meetings
Recruitment and selection
Change management
Supervisory skills
Presentation skills
Leadership and people management
Time management
Personal development
Assertiveness training
Delegation skills

Employment Answers Ltd, Park View, 115 South Street, East Hoathly, Lewes, BN8 6DT
01825 880021